Join Our Community of Innovators
在P中.D. Merrill Makerspace and across campus, the Office of Innovation team partners with students, 教师, and professional staff from virtually every unit at the University.
We foster innovative, creative solutions to real-world problems, 赞助项目, and special events, 并充当正规澳门赌场网络社区与来自该地区领先企业和组织的专家专业导师之间的纽带.
我们鼓励, equip and prepare people to be innovators, solving real-world problems through technology, 设计思考, experiential learning and multi-disciplinary collaboration.
人 at UNE are fearless innovators, 无论他们身处哪个领域,他们都具备为他们带来原创想法和积极变革的技能.
- Encourage experimentation and failure
- Provide a welcoming, diverse and inclusive environment
- Empower students to lead as much as possible
- Teach and practice empathy
- Are optimistic and 协作
- Promote the use of technology as an essential skill
Key Innovation Principles at UNE
We partner with students, 教师, and professional staff from virtually every unit at the University. In our Makerspace, 你会发现来自不同学科的研究生和本科生, working on projects to bring positive change. 这种温馨的环境创造了一个社区,让学生对校园有归属感. 我们还担任大学各单位的内部顾问, supporting 教师 and staff in their innovation initiatives. 我们培养开放、包容、合作的文化,注重玩乐.
Real-World Experiences
许多学生带着能量和激情来到大学,想要有所作为. 我们的创新项目为他们提供了所需的工具,以实现可见的、积极的变化. 我们优先考虑让学生有机会在他们关心的领域从事现实世界的项目. 因此,学生们感到有联系,有能力克服障碍并坚持下去. We teach them to rethink ‘failures’ as learning experiences. Our students have made a tangible, 在医疗保健等不同领域,校园内外都有明显的差异, 教育, 学生生活, and marine science.
Training in Collaboration
我们帮助学生了解他们最擅长什么,然后与团队合作,确定他们的个人优势对整体努力的贡献. 学生 often find group projects to be a challenging experience. In our innovation programs, 我们提供支持和结构,使团队经历一个积极的. 学生们会更好地理解团队合作的意义,以及他们如何做出独特的贡献. 我们的创新团队非常成功,不仅交付了高质量的项目,而且培养了积极的团队经验和技能,学生可以将其用于未来的职业生涯.
Transformative Change
学生 often come to us to add experience to their resumes. What they get is so much more. While our students often deliver impressive project results, we are most excited by the transformation in their personal skills, 无论他们选择什么领域,这种改变都会为他们的成功奠定基础. They are confident, 协作, able to tolerate ambiguity, 并且对如何将想法付诸行动和实现想法有扎实的理解.
Technical Proficiency
We believe students need to be comfortable, if not proficient, with technology relevant to their field. 我们提供高性能的计算机和软件,并指导学生发展他们的数字素养技能——无论他们是在制作应用程序的原型还是在研究数据科学应用程序. 我们的许多学生一开始对“编码”一无所知,并对自己的能力产生了信心. 这种技术知识和灵活的思维方式帮助我们的许多学生找到了工作.
Training in Communication
成为一名有效的沟通者几乎是每个领域都需要的技能. In our innovation programs, 我们教学生如何有效地讲故事,并提供个性化的演讲技巧指导. 这些沟通技巧是通过指导和实践有意培养的. 结果是, 我们的学生不仅是有效的沟通者,而且对自己的能力充满信心-出现在电视和比赛中,并向大量观众展示..
Professional Coaching and Mentoring
Our innovation team provides coaching and mentoring to students, 帮助他们与能支持他们项目的业内人士建立联系. 我们拥有广泛的社区导师网络,并与缅因州的创业生态系统保持着良好的联系. 根据个别项目的需要,我们的学生可以与外部专家合作. In a typical semester, we might have student teams working with experts in engineering, interactive design, 金融, 医疗保健, 市场营销, and entrepreneurship. 这是在一个支持学生的想法和激情的结构中获得真正的简历制作技能的一种方式.
Path to 实习 and Career Opportunities
The focus of our programs is on very practical, 使我们的学生在工作申请和职业生涯中脱颖而出的现实技能. 我们与雇主密切合作,了解他们在寻找什么,并根据他们的技能定制我们的课程. 我们的学生经常可以将他们的创新项目与他们未来的实习和工作机会直接联系起来. We love hearing their success stories.